February has been a month full of love!! God is love and He, with no exception, has showered His love, mercies and grace on us. On February 11, 1984 two friends committed to be life long partners with God at the centre. It has been an amazing journey and God continues to honour that commitment as Burt & I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary together in Haiti. If you had told me I would be in Haiti for my 30th anniversary, I may have agreed as I was romanced on a cruise ship, stopping by Labadee to the north of the island ... but never did I dream I would be on a life changing journey, living and serving God here!!

A few short days later, on Valentines Day, a gift of love arrived in two dear friends. They were humbled to experience and share in the ministry and every day life in Marchand, Dessalines, serving at the hospital, in the community and at the orphanage. It is always with great joy that we share our ministry as it enables others to experience first hand the joys and challenges of life here. They left, feeling richer than when they arrived, and hope to return again one day soon!

February 26th was an extremely eventful day!! The day began at 6 am on the worksite with a roof pour!! Now, you may be thinking ... a rainfall doesn't really qualify as an event ... but when it's pouring the concrete roof of the new Phase II operating rooms ... it sure does!! It was a full day for the crew and at the end, a beautiful, solid roof was in place. Well done!!

... As the day progressed we had opportunity to celebrate our dear friend Alice' birthday together over dinner, always a joy in February! This lady is very special in many peoples hearts, including her friends in Haiti. Her and Ian have given of their time, energy and resources to help Haiti in so many ways!!

... To finish off the day we received a very exciting Skype call with a very, very exciting announcement!! Our eldest (and only) daughter Brittany had received, and accepted, a marriage proposal and beautiful diamond ring from her wonderful boyfriend Mark!! It's difficult to be in Haiti during times like this (one of the challenges) but God knows our hearts, and we are overjoyed with love, joy and anticipation as they prepare for a life long commitment together!!

Then last, but not least, we had the wonderful opportunity to work with a team from Arlington and Oroville, Washington. There were 13 in all and they came with heart, soul, body and mind to serve! It was a true pleasure to work with them as they hooked up electrical, finished plumbing, framed doors, and built cabinets all for the new maternity ward at Hopital Claire Heureuse. In 3 short days they accomplished a great deal!! Also, we remain very grateful for the donation we received from a friend that we had met last year, and couldn't join the team. Thanks for the new tools ... they will be used well!