The day started with Burt climbing behind the wheel to give us the best ``off road adventure`` we had ever experienced!! Driving in Haiti is a challenge and this ride certainly didn`t disappoint!! Over rough terrain, around sink holes, dodging livestock, manouvering through crowded intersections ... watch out for that bus ... woooheeee!!!! We arrived at the chapel safely and thanked God.
Quisqueya Chapel is a church that provides a worship centre for english speaking missionaries, along with welcoming Haitians and the unsaved. We had a beautiful time of worship and a timely message on Haggai 1 ... reminding us that WE are the temple of God, and re-building starts with US! A great lesson on surrendering our whole lives to God. Later we returned for a worship concert live with the youth worship team, along with a very talented saxophonist and trumpeteer. We spent the evening lifting praises to our God, and were in awe that He is using us to serve Him in Haiti. Please pray for these young people, many who come from difficult home lives, that they will stay strong for the Lord.