Suzette & Sherrie have found a little market on a side street that sells beautiful fruits and vegetables. The basket in the truck is bountiful!! Another vendor approaches us with a basket full of sheriz (cherries), for 100 gourdes we can make sheriz juice! A 'joumou' for soup is bon! Yes please... we are convinced! How can one turn down a pumpkin at this time of year?
We head our way back to Vimy Mitchell ... over a single lane bridge ... past the modest array of houses ... watching the garbage being shovelled into a bin for pick up ... and oh! ... keep your eyes peeled for that 'TapTap' as it stops abruptly to pick up!! We arrive back home and always thank God for safe travelling mercies!
Last evening we had the pleasure of hosting 11 around the dinner table and overnight. A lively group from Texas who had been in Dessalines to repair the roof, and a lovely couple from Washington state who are in the processing of adopting 2 sweet girls. The guest house was a beehive of activity!!